

One inhabitant of the German capital is the world famous Nofretete. I visited her in the Museum ‚Kulturforum’ where she stays in the good company of an exhibition on hieroglyphes. In the first part ancient egypt writing is on display in varous kinds; What we get to know there is the human condition regardless of time, smiling stone-faces and writing, for example ‚discourse of a person, who is tired of his life, with his soul’. In the second part the real Nofretete is surrounded by (in comparison rather) modern art from Karl Friedrich Schinkel, E.L. Kirchner, and so on. Strangely enough, Nofretete looks quite unspectacular; maybe we saw her too often in reproductions. Above the exit the neon writing ALL ART HAS BEEN CONTEMPORARY acts as a good final comment. We don’t know who created Nofretete and the neon writing was not labelled, but maybe this can act like an unwanted comment too: for the spectator the art should be more important than the artist.
Posted by steffi at 9:32 PM
Edited on: 2005-03-06 9:35 PM
Categories: art

Tadschikischer Teegenuß

Eine neue Stadt weckt immer meinen Spürsinn nach Kaffee- und Teeoasen und so war meine Neugierde geweckt, als ich von der Tadschikischen Teestube las, die im ersten Stock des Palais am Festungsgraben 1 aufzuspüren ist. Man vermutet ja kein Teeparadies, wenn man das museumartige Gebäude betritt und muss zunächst einer mangelnden Beschilderung folgen, bis man da ist: ein Raum, Säulen aus geschnitztem Sandelholz, Kissen auf Teppichen, auf denen sich die Teefreunde lümmeln, Tees aus aller Herren Länder und Winkel, mit Kluntjes, Marmelade oder Rumrosinen. Ich empfehle anregende Gesellschaft mitzubringen, und schwupps, man ist entführt in eine Welt ohne Zeit; wunderbar.
Posted by steffi at 9:25 PM
Categories: cafes

by the way

My second visit to the Russian Embassy was successful; firstly I left my backpack at home, waited for 30 minutes and got my visa without further complications.
Posted by steffi at 9:21 PM
Categories: misc