
closing week discoveries

So this is a 100 days coming to an end. The last days of documenta are marked by some performances, which took place in the first weeks and have been rescheduled for this last one. I have to admit that I was and am quite sceptical about many aspects of this show, beginning with the hideous labels and some strange curatiorial decisions, which weaken a great deal of works.
For example when I look at the marble tent by Rebecca Belmore, which has been transferred from Athens to Kassel. You can argue if the location on Weinberg is the best choice. But surely the plinth-like base is weakening the Piece; many visitors like to sit half in the tent and get a photo taken, which is fine, but they sit like on a bench, comfortably without being close to the floor. But the whole point of a tent is that you need to get all the way down to the ground…And considering that the idea of the marble tent is connected with migration and poor, transient living conditions the tent needs to be ground level…

However meanwhile I have used some time and care looking around and discovered some works, which can be passed by easily without being noticed like Mounira Al Solhs work close to the glass pavillons or Nilima Sheikhs piece in Neue Galerie.
So: don’t judge a book by its cover, but look for some interesting quotes, even though you don’t fall in love with the story…


after the opening

Every 5 years Kassel undergoes a miracoulous transformation from country-town to a place short term Metropolis feeling. All those arty people in their black clothes with fancy scarfs flood the city with busy looks, seaching for art placed in well known and ’new‘ spaces…

Before the opening Jason Farago, a New York Times Journalist wrote an article in which Kassel was being described as unlovely city north of Frankfurt. Thanks to him I learned a new word: unlovely. Since then I wonder, what a lovely City might be to him: New York? Berlin? Heidelberg?

However, back to Kassel and to documenta…it is opened and now everybody tries to define, what the show is about.  Well the fist thing you can say it is mixed and leaves the Viewer with mixed feelings; some new locations have been discovered and feed the hungry eye with new experiences. Some pieces have been placed in the special exhibition spaces of existing Museums such as Muesum of Sepulcral Culture, or the Hessian County Museum. Unfortunately you can get the feeling that the curators got a homework like: choose some works suiting to the theme of the museum, which makes it like a boring exercise without space for associations. Missed opportunities in many ways!

My favourite so far: the Video of Roee Rosen in Bellevue!

Oh and look out for the labels in most of the spaces! I guess some kind of fresh impression was aimed atd there, inspired by a mid term presentation in a bad foundation course in art&design. Thanks for this fresh and unprofessional approach!



DOCUMENTA in Kassel?

Having lived in Kassel for quite a while now, I find it amusing that every five years there are various people, scholars, artists etc. who claim it is time to move DOCUMENTA to another city, preferably to another metropolis. They(usually Germans) now find Athens highly inspiring and think that Kassel has lost its power(even befire the exhibition was opened here)…Of course a city like Athens is most inspiring- I mean, hey! a city which can prove around 7500 years of settlement and being a center of the mediterrannean world is of course another type of fish that a provinical city as Kassel. But let’t get that right- a guy who happened to be a citizen of Kassel had an idea, which became a famous exhobition in a 5 year interval. Why should this tradition be removed to …where? Athens? And hasn’t there been a shift/a connection with other places in the history of DOCUENTA? Okwui Enwesor turned the exhibtition in platforms on different continents, Kassel being ONE platform,or CCB, with exhibitions in Afghanistan? And where should it be moved to?

Berlin? Another event, this time maybe not aimed at all those cultural interested busloads, who want to get the international air of all those Berlin hipsters?

Art and culture can happen everywhere- DOCUMENTA ws started in Kasselout of the rubble of World War II-Lets see what other formats other cities might develop, rather than try to copy/paste;-)



Experience preferred is often a requirement in job descriptions. In the past years I have seen a number of exhibitions by young artists(whatever that means), where I suspect that the shows were planned in detail from the comfort of a desktop based studio. No doubt, virtual realities offer many possibilities to test out views and room situations. But entering the actual exhibition space, why is there quite often this feeling of detachment, like an illustration of the space, or using THE space a s a test space. Has the real space really been in mind, when many installations have been planned?

Or is the real space of an exhibition, just a space scenario, one of many possible?

Maybe even more as the most important thing seems to be the portfolio- the 2 D proof and advertisment for further projects. Good bye reality!


hidden treasures_e

14 books from the library Idea Store in Whitechapel, London were individually worked on with watercolours, paper clippings etc and then added to the library system again.

A complete list of the books can be found below.

'too much happiness' by Alice Munroe

'Too much happiness' by Alice Munroe

Dr.Johnson's Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book That Defined the World  by Henry Hitchings

Dr.Johnson's Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book That Defined the World by Henry Hitchings


Book list


Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck


Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides


The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart


The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde


To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


Jane Ayre by Charlotte Bronte


Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Truss, Lynn


We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver


A Case of Exploding Mangoes


Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro


Angela Carter’s Book of Fairy Tales by Angela Carter


Dr.Johnson’s Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book That Defined the World  by Henry Hitchings


Portrait of a Lady

By Henry James


hidden treasures_d

14 Bücher aus der Bibliothek Idea Store im Londoner Stadtteil Whitechapel wurden individuall mit Zeichnungen, Kartoffeldrucken etc. bearbeitet und danach wieder in den Bestand der Bibliothek eingearbeitet, wo sie ausgeliehen werden können. Eine Liste der Bücher befindet sich am Ende des Artikels.

'Too much happiness', von ALice Munroe

'Too much happiness', von ALice Munroe

'Dr.Johnson's Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book That Defined the World', von Henry Hitchings

'Dr.Johnson's Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book That Defined the World', von Henry Hitchings


Book list


Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck


Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides


The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart


The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde


To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


Jane Ayre by Charlotte Bronte


Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Truss, Lynn


We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver


A Case of Exploding Mangoes


Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro


Angela Carter’s Book of Fairy Tales by Angela Carter


Dr.Johnson’s Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book That Defined the World  by Henry Hitchings


Portrait of a Lady

By Henry James



In Zusammenarbeit mit Lea Petrou


Zur Eröffnung der Galerie Technohoros in Athen wurde ein Getränk kreiert, ‚Raki-Stroudel‘.

Die Gläser waren mit einem Papierband umschlossen auf denen Texte gedruckt waren, de an Glückskekse erinnerten.



love for sale_e

Copyright Claus Bach

Copyright Claus Bach

Halle 14 on the Spinnerei area in Leipzig hosts a library with all the books and catalogues from applications for Art Basel and Art Basel Miami. For the exhibition ‚The art of bookkeeping‘ the new catalogues from Art Basel 2010 were piled to a 5 m high tower of books.

Copyright Denis Bury

Copyright Denis Bury



In collaboration with Lea Petrou


For the opening of the gallery Technohoros in Athens a drink was composed, RAKI STROUDEL.

The drink was served during the opening in small glasses which had a paper band attached to it with short fortune cookie like texts.
